We are a cooperative studio of game developers, artists, and creative technologists dedicated to community-led flows of individual and collective support.



Our node supports the production, marketing, launch, and post-launch activities of games created by our members, ensuring their impact goals are recognized as importantly as their features.

We offer funding, mentorship, and an engaged community to developers who are not well-served by the current publishing landscape. The node been developed closely with funding from impact investors Weird Ghosts and support from the Canadian Government's Investment Readiness Program.

Check out our community's first releases!

  • Street Uni X, from daffodil & friends', has all the sick tricks you can handle, all on one wheel!
  • Psychroma is Rocket Adrift's dark cyberpunk body horror adventure that delves deep into your neural implant…

Peer Accelerator

Impact investors Weird Ghosts and Gamma Space have teamed up to offer a grant of $25,000 in a two-part, six-month program of tailored mentorship with a community of game-making peers. We offer the space and the tools to develop studios led by underrepresented founders that don't need to adhere to inequitable systemic norms.

The program is based on our community's collectively developed peer mentorship model to help game-makers address the challenges in the "three Ps": Process, Product, and Pitch.

Cohorts in 2022 and 2023 were also supported by the Ontario Creates Capacity Development program.

Interested in applying? We'll be partering with not-for-profit Baby Ghosts for future programs to be announced later this year!

Current Activities

Investment Readiness Program

The Canadian government has recognized our efforts to develop alternative business models that have the potential to impact not just our members, but the video game sector as a whole.

Members are engaged with a cohort of peers from across Canada to help develop our regenerative publishing model in alignment with social impact investors.

Member Game Jam

To mark the completion of Gamma Space's first member onboarding process, we're developing a game based on our shared learnings. Instead of the usual 72hr jam, we've stretched ours across four months. The resulting game will be released publicly with commentary from the participants.

Anti-Oppression and Decolonization Framework

We commit to actively working to inform, learn, teach, activate, model, and champion values and practices of anti-oppression and decolonization in all community activities and shared spaces. We understand this to be an iterative, humbling and rewarding process that requires time, care, compassion, love, attention, courageous and gracious commitment; that it involves continuous self-examination concerning our roles in society, culture, and history; and that it extends beyond compliance with diversity and human rights standards. Our goal is to dismantle power and privilege and mitigate systemic inequalities for those most affected by oppression and colonization – while investing in both personal growth and collective well-being.

Statement About Palestine

We believe in the humane and just treatment of Palestinians, as well as their right to live on their homelands free from occupation, determine their own governance, return home from exile, and enjoy unqualified dignity, freedom, and safety.

View our current code of conduct here